
Showing posts from February, 2020

Chord City & Friends & Me

This blog has been conspicuously dormant for a while.  I wasn't kidding when I called it "potentially ill-fated."  Last time I posted anything was last summer.  A lot has happened since then in my musical life.  And I'd like to tell you about it.  If you're interested, that is.  If not, why are you reading this? Still here?  Okay then.  Let's start at a church fundraiser in 1989.  Here's a grainy still from a video shot at that event. Chord City, circa 1989 There is a little boy in the lower left-hand corner.  His head is circled for your convenience.  He is watching his father (center, face obscured by microphone) play guitar, along with his uncle (drums) and their long-time friends.  Members of this group have played together for years, long before this little boy was born.  This is the first time he's seen them play together publicly.  He'd been to a practice or two, but this is the real deal.  There i...